Project type: BUSINESS B2B

PRESS RELEASE: Colorado Data Services


Colorado Data Services of Cañon City Adds Consultant to Help Clients Keep their Computer Systems Secure 

New worms and viruses are rampant on the Internet. Updates and knowledge protect business and personal computers and networks.

Cañon City, CO—April 6, 2009—

The latest computer malicious worm threat, Conficker C, was scheduled to affect infected computers and networks on April 1. Because most people were aware of the danger, they updated their virus software, and the threat was minimized. The perpetrators might delay releasing the “control and commands” to a time when computer users are not so prepared to block the damage.

Colorado Data Services is dedicated to helping people make the best use of technology. They hired Spencer Evans to help people keep their computers safe. He has 10 years experience keeping computers safe from viruses spread through email and malware worms. Virus software and education prevent infection of computers.

Updates to Windows Operating Systems Keeps Computers Safe

The first version of the Conficker worms appeared in networks last fall. The worms arrive through the Internet and infect computers. They can block updates from Microsoft and anti-virus software. There are ways around the blocks to keep protection up-to-date.

Scheduled updates of Windows and anti-virus software can protect uninfected computers. If the computer or network is infected, professionals can save data and clean the machines of worms and viruses.

Knowledge is the Best Defense

Downloads through emails or from web sites can benefit and amuse users. It’s important to run up-to-date anti-virus software at all times. It’s also important to know which types of downloads are dangerous to computers. Avoiding downloading the questionable types of files can keep computers safe. Computers keep businesses running and people connected. Although the latest worm threat has people on their guard, there’s no reason not to use the Internet and its benefits.

Sharing photos and news with business associates, clients, family and friends is part of everyday life. More and more people are also sharing their lives by sending and uploading videos. It seems like there is no limit to what folks can create and share with computers and the Internet.

It’s important to avoid sharing viruses and worms with anyone. Keep networks and computers up-to-date with anti-virus software and operating system updates.

About Colorado Data Services:

Located at 307 Main St. in Canon City, Colorado Data Services has been in business for 10 years. It is locally owned and operated. Spencer Evans is the newest member of the team. They are friendly computer experts who will see your computer problem to solution.