Holistic Health Writer

What’s Your Marketing Strategy Like: Dominoes Falling or Pinball Games?

We’ve all enjoyed the falling domino spirals and Rube Goldberg machines — things crashing into one another to create complicated effects until the end when a cup of tea is poured, the dog food is served or some other simple task is met.

Same is true for pinball games where we carefully launch the ball so we can paddle it into the points target. It’s fun to try to maneuver and control gravity with the force and timing we apply to the paddles to get the most play and most points.

The first is done with planning and precision: testing the distance the object or domino will fall, so it hits the next object at the right speed, weight and spot to get the next thing moving.

Although, “that deaf, dumb and blind kid sure plays a mean pinball” most pinball playing is done with less precise planning. We launch the ball, paddle furiously and hope for the best.

Your marketing probably resembles one of these scenarios

You construct an email sequence that takes your prospects from knowing little or nothing about your product or service, step by step, until they beg you to take their money. This strategy is created with planning and precision like the domino spiral or a Rube Goldberg device.

Or you follow the pinball strategy and launch the shiny ball into the ether — paddling at it maniacally — hoping to hit the bonus points and the jackpot. You may start with a brochure that you hand out at shows or events. Then you have a better idea and start an affiliate program that never seems to get off the ground. You have a website that give prospects the opportunity to sign up for coupons, a newsletter or more information, but rarely send them anything.

There’s just so much to do and not enough time in a day, a week, a month to get it all done.

Sometimes You Just Need a Little Extra Help

An experienced marketing copywriter, like me, can help you plan your marketing so it resembles the lovely domino spiral instead of whacking the pinball paddles until the table goes TILT.

I have a few openings for a no cost phone consultation. Don’t delay, sign up today

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